The Roll Call

I am constantly searching through the blog world, and meeting new people. Here's the full list of people I'd like to recommend for your reading pleasure:

Haley at 1., b., Platypus
Tyler at American Dropout
Andy at Andy hmmm
Natalie at Awkward Sex and the City
Badass Geek at Badass Geek
Ivy at Brighton Ivy
Daniella at The Chronicles Of A College Girl
Meaghan at Clutzy Cooking
Falen (aka Thundercat) at Colorful Rants of A Fed Up Sista
Charleston Chic at Confessions of a Single Girl
Jess (aka J-Roll) at The Couch Dwellers
Coyote Rose at Dancing on the Bar of Life
Derek (aka DShan) at Derek Shanahan's Personal Blog
Dan at From the Head of the Danaconda
Tabitha at Geeky Ambiguous Me
Ginny at Ginntastic
Jessica at Hello, my name is Jessica
The folks over at
The I'm a N3RD Team at I'm a N3RD
Lily at Is It Too Early for a Martini?
Jes at Jes Getting Started
The folks at Jonk Music
The lovely ladies at Kissing and Other Disasters
Krista at Krista Does Life
Clair at Learning to Wander
Justin at Liberals Have No Rights
Dom at Lije's Mindstate
Monica at The Mondi Post
Nico at Nicopolitan
Kandace at One Red Wall
Erin at The Post Modern Talko
Mandy at The Real Mandy Moore
Annah at Red Means Go
David at The Rest is Still Unwritten
Rob at Rob of the Sky's Guide to Crap!
Sara at Sara Swears a Lot
Jewely at She Boppin'
K. Syrah at Shoes Never Worn
Shelly at Starting Over: Same Story, Different Person
Sweeney at Sweeney Says
Lana (Nugs) at That Ain't Kosher
Pooch and Shout at This Bonus Track
Tsa at The Tsaritsa Sez
Cassie at Witty Title Here
Risha at You Can Read Me Anything
Neal (aka Lost) at You Know What Really Grinds My Gears...
Benny at Young Urban Amateur

This list is not complete in any way. Keep checking back to see who's been added on.